Granfranco Baffato – “La disperazione della fame”
“La disperazione della fame” (The despair of hunger) is a song about selfishness – something that, to some degree, is familiar to almost all of us. It must be said that the protagonist of this song is particularly petty. Pride and lust has lead him to invite a vegan girl to dinner. However, being a cheapskate, he does not take her to one of those trendy places. He takes her to a trattoria instead. There, as soon as the waiter has finished listing the day’s specials, our antihero reveals all his gluttony by choosing a meat dish, knowing very well that this will prevent him from scoring that night.
In this song, the protagonist personifies a form of hubris that, if we think about it, typifies the contemporary world in many ways: in order to prove we are masters of our own destiny and at the cost of abusing others, we might as well blow it all, to the detriment of everyone: mors tua, mors mea. As another track on the album “Bendati sui dirupi” repeatedly points out, “every action is a failure”.
Music video by Enfunk Terrible (SoundMusicProduction 2019)
Music by Granfranco Baffato
Recorded and produced by Les Jeux Sont Funk
From “Bendati sui dirupi” (Apocalypse Bau / La Ostia / Les Jeux Sont Funk 2018)
Credits: Granfranco Baffato > vocals, drums, synthesizer | Mr. B > bass guitar | Ciro Nagasaki > electric guitars